Bikini or Bust!

About August 9, 2010

On October 16, 2010 I will be on a stage competing in my first ever all natural bodybuilding competition.

10 years ago I married a very athletic man that inspired me to live an active life.  I will never forget the first day we went for a ‘run’ together. I was 20 years old and could barely run 60 seconds without dying. My lungs cried out for a fire extinguisher and my legs turned to jello. I think we ran a total of ten 60-second ‘runs’ before I demanded we go home where I collapsed into a wheezing mess on the gold shag rug in our apartment.

I couldn’t walk the next day.

After that I started on a long and arduous journey of becoming fit.  I played for our college basketball team where my main role was to hold the bench down while the other girls ran around on the court.  They were desperate for players and I was willing…

Then I started to run, work out, competed in a triathlon and tried outdoor sports; most of which were met with clumsy and ridiculous adventures.

After losing 1/3 of myself, I decided it was time to go for the gusto and DO something.  Do something that most people haven’t or won’t do – bodybuilding.

Technically anyone can wake up and say, “Today I am going to run a marathon.” or “It seems like a good day to complete a triathlon.”  You can’t wake up and be a bodybuilder; it takes an intense level of focus and dedication.  I saw this first hand when Jon and I volunteered a few years ago at the INFB competition and I found myself applying fake tan to very muscular men.

I will be sharing my journey of lifting heavy things, counting every macronutrient (huh?) that goes in my body, and shopping for a bikini and shoes to wear for what may be the most intense and crazy event of my life so far. Recipes, fitness tips, and the things I learn along the way will all be in the mix.

Thank you for joining me on this crazy adventure!


4 Responses to “About”

  1. Bruce Coles Says:

    Hey, good for you Donloree. I read about the very exciting transformations in the Edmonton Journal (Oct 11th). I recognized the eyes at first, then as I read the article I felt a such a sense of pride for you. Good luck in the competitions and all the best in life!

    Bruce Coles

  2. judy Ov Says:

    you are a true inspiration. well done and keep it up…
    tell me, where and what are your goals now?

    • bikiniorbust Says:

      Thank you! I am going to compete in April and most likely October again…but that’s not really ‘what’s next’. I would like to get my pro card with the INBF, write a book, and find a way to help women see how much potential they have and how to fully step into who they are. That’s kinda vague, but definitely where my heart is. Over the next 6 months there are 15 of us that are going to be sharing our stories through my blog as we all give it our all and compete all naturally. Should be fun to see what happens with all of us next!

  3. I laughed out loud at your description of yourself in your 20s. That’s exactly where I am now…except I’d be lucky to make it 30 seconds running. I’ve been trying to get in shape, but feeling completely overwhelmed at the prospect. Thanks so much for sharing this, it definately gives me hope!

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